Monday, October 29, 2012

Antologija srpske duhovne muzike - peva: Pavle Aksentijevic
Anthoslgy of Serbian Sacred Music - vocal: Pavle Aksentijevic

01.Alleluia (6th Mode)
02.Psalomnik (Praise Verses) (1st Mode)
03.Now the Celestial Powers (6th Mode)
04.Cherubic Hymn (2nd Mode)
05.Have Mercy on Me O Lord (6th Mode)
06.We Worship Your Cross (2nd Mode)
07.God the Lord (4th Mode)
08.Alleluia (5th Mode)
09.O What A Wonderful Miracle (1st Mode)
10.You are the Prophets Announcement (1st Mode)
11.Servikon (After the Birth) (8th Mode)
12.Sing to the Lord All the Earth (Psalm 95-1) (4th Mode)
13.Everything that Breath (Psalm 150-6) (5th Mode)
14.He Looked on the Earth (Psalm 103 and 104-32) (8th Mode) 
15.Alleluia (1st Mode)

a word on chanting: 
Byzantine as well as the old Serbian sacred music is characterized, as far as its inner essence is concerned, by simplicity or. freedom from undue complexity, by purity or freedom from everything sensual, ostentatious, insincere, and by unsurpassed power and spirituality. As regards its outer form or technical aspect, it is characterized bu the fact that it is entirely vocal, not making use of any instruments, and monophonic, that is, employing melodies in one vocal part only. In order to enrich and augment the melody, this music employs, , instead of polyphony and the accompaniment of the organ or some other I instrument, a finer, more spiritual means: the isocratima or holding-note. The work of the isocrats consists of holding a drone on the basic tone of the mode in which the melody is being sung. The isocratima not only enhances the melody, but also emphasizes the mode in which the psalm, humn or ode is being sung, and adds, solemnness and power to the psalmody. Its use goes back to the early Christian period. In order to provide the chanters worth needed period,of rest, and to keep the congregation in a state of inner wakefulness antiphony is employed. That is, not one but two choirs are employed, so the congregation are not subjected. to the sleep-conductive monotony of hearing continuously the same voice or voices, coming from the same part of the church. This music has its own system of musical scales, its own laws and canons, its own modes of composition, its own notation. The symbOlS above the words are interval signs. They do not give the pitch of every tone in the melody, bud indicate how many tones a certain note lies above or below the preceding one, orwhether it is a repetition of it. The aim of this music is not to display the fine voices of the chanters, or to entertain the congregation, or to evoke aesthetic experience. In the firct place it is a means of worship and veneration; and in the second plase, a means of self-perfection, of eliciting and cultivating man\'s higher thoughts and feelings and of oposing and eliminating his lower, undesirable ones.

by: Constantine Cavarnos 

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Stevan St. Mokranjac - Rukoveti, Liturgija, Opelo / Song Wreaths, Liturgy, Requiem

Song Wreaths, Liturgy, Requiem
Hor RTB - dirigent Mladen Jagušt 
RTB Choir - conducted by Mladen Jagušt 

Stevan Stojanović Mokranjac (1856—1914) centralna ličnost srpske muzike. Srpski kompozitor i muzički pedagog, klasik srpske muzike, njena najistaknutija licnost na prelazu iz XIX u XX vek, zaslužan za uvođenje srpskog nacionalnog duha u umetničku muziku.

Rođen je 9. januara 1856. godine u Negotinu. Završio je gimnaziju u Beogradu; upisao se na prirodno-matematički odsek Velike Škole. Kao gimnazijalac bio je član Srpskog pevačkog društva. Uz pomoć Društva, 1879. godine otišao je na muzičke studije u Minhen, kod J. Rajnberga. Privremeno je prekinuo studije 1883, ali ih je nastavio 1884. u Rimu, kod Parizotija, a od 1885. do 1887. na Konzervatorijumu u Lajpcigu.

Godine 1884. postaje horovođa pevačkog drustva Kornelije Stankovic, a 1887. godine dirigent Belgradeskog pevačkog drustva. Od 1887. do 1900. radio je i kao nastavnik muzike u Prvoj Beogradskoj gimnaziji, a od 1901. kao predavač pojanja u Bogosloviji. Zajedno sa Stanislavom Biničkim i Cvetkom Manojlovićem osnivac je prve stalne muzičke škole (1899) – Srpska muzička škola u Beogradu (danasnje ime „Mokranjac“), čiji je direktor bio do svoje smrti. Njegovom zaslugom osnovan je prvi gudački kvartet u Srbiji. Godine 1906. izabran je za dopisnog člana Srpske kraljevske akademije (danas: Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti).

Najpoznatija njegova dela su svakako Rukoveti – petnaest spletova pesama zasnovanih na folklornim motivima iz različitih delova Srbije, Bosne, Makedonije, Bugarske, Primorski napjevi, duhoviti skerco Kozar, kao i muzika za pravoslavna bogosluženja: velelepna Liturgija, iz koje je najpoznatija Heruvimska pesma, najznačajnije ostvarenje horske muzike u Srba, Opelo u fis-molu, Tri statije, Tebe Boga hvalim, Veličanije svetom Savi...

Vredno je radio i kao melograf; poznati su njegovi zapisi Narodnih pesama i igara sa melodijama iz Levca, kao i dve znacajne zbirke zapisa sa srpskim crkvenim napevima: Osmoglasnik i Strano pjenije. Umro je 28. septembra 1914. u Skoplju.

CD 1. Rukoveti 1-9

01. Iz moje domovine (8:21)
02. Iz moje domovine (3:46)
03. Iz moje domovine (8:06)
04. Mirjana (3:28)
05. Iz moje domovine (10:24)
06. Hajduk Veljko (7:03)
07. Pesme iz stare Srbije i Makedonije (4:58)
08. Pesme sa Kosova (4:42)
09. Pesme iz Crne gore (3:08)

CD 2. Rukoveti 10-15, Primorski napjevi, Kozar

01. Stevan St. Mokranjac - 10. Pesme sa Ohrida (8:05)
02. Stevan St. Mokranjac - 11. Pesme iz Stare Srbije (6:29)
03. Stevan St. Mokranjac - 12. Pesme sa Kosova (8:40)
04. Stevan St. Mokranjac - 13. Iz moje domovine (8:26)
05. Stevan St. Mokranjac - 14. Pesme iz Bosne (8:31)
06. Stevan St. Mokranjac - 15. Pesme iz Makedonije (7:09)
07. Stevan St. Mokranjac - Primorski napjevi (5:45)
08. Stevan St. Mokranjac - Kozar (1:58)

CD 3. Liturgija i Opelo

01. Svjati Bože (9:37)
02. Iže heruvimi (7:00)
03. Otca i sina (7:05)
04. Dostojno i pravedno... (13:16)
05. Pričanstven (4:54)
06. Blagosloven grjadi... (5:34)
07. Gospodi pomiluj (3:48)
08. Njest svjat (1:06)
09. Njest svjat (1:33)
10. So svjatimi upokoj (2:58)
11. Dusi i duši + Vječnaja pamjat (2:40)

8 Rukovet  ~ Pesme sa Kosova

Friday, October 26, 2012

Muzika stare Srbije / Music of Old Serbia

Muzika stare Srbije / Music of Old Serbia - peva: Pavle Aksentijević
Crkveni napevi od 14 do 18 veka / Sacred Chants form 14th to the 18th century
Pavle Aksentijevic, tenor 

01. Hilandarska zvona (Bells Of Hilandar) (1:03)
02. Hodite svi zemljorodni (Come All Ye Sons Of Earth) (1:16)
03. Kušajte i vidite (Taste And See) (2:04)
04. Sada sile (Now The Celestial Powers) (5:23)
05. Servikon (Servikon) (2:13)
06. Gospode vičem (Lord I Have Cried) (3:03)
07. Prezrevsi niznje kao bezvredno (Despising The Lower As Worthless) (3:29)
08. Vaskliknite Bogovi ("Vaskliknite Bogovi") (1:29)
09. Agios o Theos - Sveti Boze ("Agios Of Theos - Sveti Boze" (2:08)
10. Aliluja (Alleluia) (0:59)
11. Suguba jektenija (Suguba Jektenija) (3:58)
12. Heruvimska pesma (Cherubic Hymn, II mode) (3:39)
13. Krstu tvoemu ("Krstu Tvoemu") (0:52)
14. Dve pesme u čast Sv. Cirila i Metodija
(Two Hymns In Honor Of St. Cyril And St.Methodios) (3:37)
15. Vkusite i vidite (Taste And See) (2:30)
16. Srpski kinonik - Hvalite (Srpski Kinonik) (1:13)
17. Srpski polijelej (Polileos Servikos) (15:09)
18. Kratima terirem (Kratima Terirem) (2:24)
19. Hilandarska zvona (Bells Of Chilandar) (0:58)

Antologija srpskih i crnogorskih narodnih pesama / The Anthology of Serbian and Montenegrin folk songs

Antologija srpskih i crnogorskih narodnih pesama
The Anthology of Serbian and Montenegrin folk songs
2 CD set with artwork and a booklet

All types of songs in this Anthology have been classified into three groups, according to their textual subject matter: love and sim-ilar songs, working songs, ritual and custom songs. Sound examples on the disk include the said genres, divided, according to the manner of performance into two categories: one-part and multi-part singing. One-part (monophonic) songs (1-15), with their archaic characteris-tics, are generally performed by a solo voice (posamo) (1,3, 4,12-15), but often enough by several voices in unison (2, 5-11). 
However, multi-part (generally two-part, or diaphonic) rural singing (16-30), known also as singing "iz glasa", can be hetero phonic or bourdon (16-21), with special stylistic, archaic traits manifested primarily in simultaneous seconds. As a relatively novel practice, in some villages in Serbia songs are performed in a way known as "na bas". This is homo-phonic two-part singing (22-30), with the prevailing intervals of thirds and fifths. Owing to specific geographical and historical circumstances, the Serbs and Montenegrin were for centuries exposed to i cultural influences both from the East and the West. The traces of foreign cultural spheres have been preserved to this day, primarily in larger settlements and towns, located on the longitudinal and transversal communications of the Balkans, connecting Europe and the East. Ancient rural patriarchal culture, which was only exceptionally affected by foreign influences, survives in many parts of Serbia and Montenegro.

mp3, 192kbps, no ID tags

01. A Girl Challenged The Sun (2.34) 
02. Oh, Girl, Do You Dream Of Me Often (3.38) 
03. Wind Is Blowing From The Morava River (3.38) 
04. Blow, Wind From The Banat Side (3.21 ) 
05.  A Yellow Quince Among Leaves B) Oh, You Unfaithful Girl (4.02) 
06. The Fairy Wreathed Three Green Garlands (2.16) 
07. An Orange-Leaf Fell Into The Glass (1.29) 
08. Cut The Hair, Dear Godfather (1.09) 
09. St. Lazarus Songs (a, b, c, d, 3.11) 
10. A Bee Is Flying Lightly, Kraljicka (3.20) 
11. Our Dada Prays To God (1.39) 
12. Mat, Mat, Mat !Fly Low, Mato/ (1.59) 
13. Whither Have You Soared, My Falcon (1.02) 
14. The Story of Shepherds Dances and a Song Called Egalica (1.47) 
15. A Wounded Soldier Lies On The Battlefield, (3.14) 
16. Wedding Songs (4.17)
17. Mother Saw Her Daughter off to The Vineyard, (2.34) 
18. Shepherds Groktalice (a-b-c, 2.49) 
19. A Spotted Serpent Is Sleeping on Top of the Hill, (2-07) 
20. There Will Be Time for Fighting, (2.36) 
21. Kolanje (Songs in Kolo, a-b-c 1.52) 
22. Wind Is Blowing From Previja, (2.51 ) 
23. My Peacock Has a Headache, (1.43) 
24. Sing to Me, My Falcon, (2.14) 
25. Which Time of the Night Is It, (2.13) 
26. Three Meadows and Nowhere Any Shade, (1.46) 
27. Wail, Moan, Tedeno, Ledeno (1.25) 
28. Krstonose Are Bearing Crosses, (1.58) 
29. Clover Leaves So Green, (2.56) 
30. Heres the Lane I Have Passed So Often, (3.20)

(Total time: 73.57)

01. Oh, My Darling, Why Are You Not Coming 
02. The Girl Offended the Sun 
03. Who Tore off the Necklace from Your Throat 
04. A Girl Strolled Through the Valley 
05. A Mountain Cannot Embrace Another 
06. If You Knew, My Darling, if You Knew 
07. Cocks Arc Crowing, the Morava River Is Resounding 
08. My Dove, Oh, My Dove 
09. Simbil Flowers, Blue and Green 
10. Last Night When I Came back from a Hot Hammam 
11. Do You Remember That Hour 
12. Andelija Poured out Water 
13. Why Arc My Thoughts So Struggling 
14. Soyka Birells Singing, Methinks It Is Dawn 
15. Fly, Oh, Fly, My Dear Song 
16. When I Recall, My Dear Soul 
17. Fog Hangs Low, Dew Fell upon Lilac Flowers

(Total time: 66.08)



Monday, October 22, 2012

Maja Odžaklijevska ~ Ne podnosim dan (1981)

a01 Maja Odžaklijevska - Ne Podnosim Dan
b01 Maja Odžaklijevska - Slušam te, gledam te

Pesma Leta 1970

01. Mišo Kovač - Sad živim sam (3:10)
02. Radmila Mikić Miki - Ti si kriv za sve (2:56)
03. Boba Stefanović - Nema, nema ljubavi (2:10)
04. Ismeta Dervoz - Dženge dženge (2:17)
05. Miki Jevremović - Umreću bez tebe (3:05)
06. Lidija Kodrič - Kad bih imala para (3:42)
07. Ivica Šerfezi - Pijan od tvoje ljubavi (3:10)
08. Bisera Veletanlić - Uf, strašno je dosadno (2:45)

Pesma Leta 1969

01. Đorđe Marjanović - Da mi je ova pamet bila (2:44)
02. Tereza Kesovija - Zar ima nesto ljepše na tom svijetu (3:10)
03. Boba Stefanović - Moje srce kuca za tebe (2:59)
04. Gaby Novak - Još nije kasno (2:52)
05. Ivica Šerfezi - Ana Marija (2:41)
06. Radmila Karaklajić - Što je bilo, prošlo je (3:16)
07. Dragan Stojnić - U tvojoj blizini (2:40)
08. Senka Veletanlić - Ti nisi moj (3:00)
09. Leo Martin - Volimo se, ljudi (3:45)
10. Majda Sepe - Tipi topi, tipi top (2:43)

Pesma Leta 1968

01 Đorđe Marjanović - Romana (4:21)
02 Nada Knežević - Život teče (3:07)
03 Milan Subota - Jesmo li ljudi ili marsovci (3:16)
04 Alenka Pintarić - Lutam i trazim (2:36)
05 Ivica Šerfezi - Kada ti svi okrenu leđa (4:29)
06 Lola Novaković - Posle mene (3:30)
07 Arsen Dedić - Tvoja ruka (3:45)
08 Gabi Novak - Biće još takvih dana (2:56)
09 Vice Vukov - Darovi za svu djecu (2:47)
10 Lado Leskovar - Tanja (4:03)

Pesma Leta 1967

01 Ivica Šerfezi - Ne mogu gledati suze u tvojim očima (2:20)
02 Gabi Novak - Nisam nikad više tražila od ljubavi (2:22)
03 Miki Jevremović - Pijem (3:30)
04 Anica Zubović - Budi moja zadnja ljubav (2:51)
05 Milan Subota - Homo homini (2:27)
06 Lola Novaković - Marike (2:28)
07 Arsen Dedić - Ako si posla spat (2:55)
08 Majda Sepe - Danes (2:59)
09 Dušan Jaksic - Sonja (3:46)
10 Ljiljana Petrović - Pomozi mi da te zaboravim (3:29)

Milan Subota - Homo homini

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Gabi Novak ~ Peva Gabi Novak (1961)

I found two versions of this album,. One was a LP rip, the other a CD reissue rip. Both were poorly executed rendering the LP rip essentially useless because of severe clipping and other artifacts that were superimposed onto the audio files during the conversion process.The original masters from which the CD was recreated could have been in stereo, but the Sound Forge audio editor showed two identical waveforms for both channels. Again, excessive clipping along with DC offset was found on mp3 files which were encoded at 192kbps.

In order to make these audio files more listenable, the following "re-mastering" was done:
All audio files normalized at -16dB; removed DC offset Then the both channels were converted into a true centered MONO at 128 kbps. This essentially cut the file size in half and did not compromise the audio quality. Original dynamics and frequency curve were retained. For optimum listening you may need to tweak your EQ slightly.

1. To je blues (Learnin' the blues) (2:43)
2. Karavan (Caravan) (2:17)
3. Netko Bdije Nadamnom (Someone to watch over me) (3:04)
4. Prodavacica uspomena (Souvenirs) (2:11)
5. Ponesi (Venus) (2:47)
6. Ljubav i poljupci (Love and kisses) (2:24)
7. U proljetno vece (2:48)
8. Mjesec kao igracka (Tentarella di luna) (2:40)

Dušan Jakšić ~ Ja te volim Marija EP 1966

a1. Ja te volim Marija
a2. Vetar sa planine

b1. Piši mi
b2. Plači

 Ja te volim Marija

Piši mi

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Matt Collins - 18 izvornih snimaka (1963-67)

MATT COLLINS was born as Karlo Metikoš on February 8, 1940 in Zagreb, Croatia (ex-Yugoslavia). Studied to become a classical pianist but got absorbed into rock and roll in 1956 via couple of singles (Bill Haley, Elvis Presley, Little Richard) that he got as a present with an imported record player. Finding replacement needles for western gramophones was next to impossible in 50's Yugoslavia so he had to improvise with ordinary sewing needles to cater for his hunger for music. Needles to say he played those few precious records to the bone. Got his first paying job in 1958 in a cabaret show. Since nobody in the management knew nothing about rock and roll they simply filed him under negro spirituals and made him wear black shoe polish makeup on stage. In 1959 he puts together a vocal group "Regal", and sings to French tourists in holiday resorts on the Adriatic coast. The band appears a few times on regional television which sparks a controversy over its name. In Serbo-Croatian language "Regal" is most commonly associated with a three wing wardrobe. In December of 1961, encouraged by French "fans", Matt arrives in Paris with only a dollar in his pocket. He had spent his modest budget on a trendy shirt in Dannemark. For some time he lives in the street or in shelters and goes to auditions. Finally, he gets to play at American army bases. For this he had to learn the songs which were popular stateside. Since he had little money, Matt went to a record shop on Chaps du Elliseys where they had booths for listening. He spent hours in that store played all the songs several times until he learned them all. At that time Matt caught the attention of Phillips Records as one of the most popular singers in a club called "Golf Druo". Philips records coupled him with a vocal group "Double Six of Paris" in an effort to cover the Cascade's hit "Rhythm of the Rain" in French. Making cover of American hits in native language was a common practice throughout Europe, for these records easily outsold the originals. The record was a huge hit in France which led to further singles on Philips like "Nobody But You" and "She's Not You". In 1962 riding high on the tide of his French fame (in the poles he was higher than Syvie Vartan and Johny Hallyday-The French Elvis) Matt comes back to Yugoslavia. He toured his homeland a few times in the mid 6O's, always to fanatic response of the audience. Yugoslav singer have always been popular in the Soviet Union, so Matt joined a few package shows. In this country he was known as the Man of steel (Zheleiznoe Thchowek) because of his gold lame suit like the one made famous by Elvis. It was here that he was ordered to sing either in Russian or Serbo-Croatian, because whenever he sang in English the authorities had to bring policemen on horses to calm down the audience. Eventually a deal was struck. One song per concert could be sung in English. From 1966 to 1971 Matt and his band were under contract to appear in Hilton Hotels across Mediterranean, Asia and Africa. In Teheran he appeared with an Italian band on The Schah's birthday party. Time was scarce to prepare a sort of "Happy Birthday" song, so Matt came up with the idea to sing a rock version of a Croatian folk song "Marica"-"These are not the sails of my boat, they are the underpants of my girlfriend Marica". The Schah Resa Pahlavi liked the song and awarded each member of the band with a golden coin. In Morocco he played for the harem of King Hasan. The band was locked in the bathroom, golden plumbing and all, while the speakers were placed in the actual premises of the harem. Once in Addis Ababa during the meeting of The Organisation of African Unity, the emperor Bokhasa, later to come to international fame as cannibal, liked their music so much that he offered to buy the band a drink. Matt tried to negotiate a Dom Perignon, but Bokhasa was an anti alcoholic so he ordered the waiter to bring them each a cup of coffee. In 1971 he returns to Yugoslavia once more. He meets an upcoming young singer Josipa Lisac. It was love at first sight. Matt gives up his singing for a role of live-in husband and an exclusive songwriter. Josipa becomes one of the biggest stars of former Yugoslavia and still remains a huge celebrity in her native Croatia. During the 70's Matt draws attention to himself as author of rock opera "Gubec Beg", based on a leader of peasants uprising. In the 80's and until his death in 1991 Matt Collins was the songwriting force behind his wife's huge success. In 1984 he caused a stir in the media being a bad boy behind Josipa's sold out concert in the capital of Yugoslavia, Belgrade. During the course of that same night Matt, Josipa and their party crashed a Folk Club where the newspapermen saved Matt's life by preventing him from snatching the microphone away from the house singer. Now a reader should be avare that Yugoslav folk music consists from a Accordion based melody with Greek and Turkish elements thrown in for good measure. Singing R&R there, would be like trying to enlighten guests at a Hassidic wedding with a little heavy metal. Matt was in a grave mood:" Maybe these people never heard of Rock and Roll. In my time we had the twist, madison.. Do I have to learn to Kolo (a traditional ring dance) just to save myself from being run over by the crowd?" The party had a meal during which Matt indulged in some target practise using tchevapchtci ( a grilled minced meat fingers) as ammo and singer as a target. The next stop of Matt's Belgrade cruise was a trendy discotheque. The DJ spotted Matt and unearthed a copy of "Hey Hey Hey" (a Little Richard's cover). Nobody could stop Matt from grabbing the mike this time and singing along with his voice on the record. This all came as quite a shock to regulars raised on Duran Duran and Boy George. Nevertheless the raw energy vibes it was reported in the press, was something that everyone understands and is able to feel. Matt got a standing ovation for his little stunt-some applauded to the legend whom the recognised, others to the brave imitator of the singer from that strange old record. Matt Collins died in summer of 1991. Exactly one year later his wife Josipa launched the first of now annual tribute concerts where contemporary artists mix with 60's veterans to pay homage to a great man and Rock and Roll - the music that started it all. (by Miroslav Schossberger)

01. En Ecoutant La Pluie (2:28)
02. Nobody But You (2:27)
03. What Kind of Love Is This (2:14)
04. Il Faut Choisir (2:39)
05. Money (That's What I Want) (2:07)
06. King For Tonight (2:16)
07. She's Not You (2:04)
08. Nikada (2:09)
09. Sick And Tired (2:52)
10. Lucille (3:24)
11. Hey-Hey-Hey-Hey (2:08)
12. Just A Lonely Man (2:23)
13. What'd I Say (3:40)
14. Bring It On Home To Me (3:09)
15. Be My Baby (2:33)
16. Peggy Sue (1:49)
17. Don't Say Goodbye (2:43)
18. Znat èeš (2:57)

En Ecoutant La Pluie 

Boba Stefanović

01. Obriši suze draga (3:05)
02. Bolno srce place (3:09)
03. Moja ljubljena (3:38)
04. Ruže (3:12)
05. Cuvaj se vatre (3:09)
06. Klecam i molam (sung in Macedinian) (4:10)
07. Hiljadu mandolina (4:03)
08. Vrati mi snove za dvoje (3:47)
09. Rock'n'Roll Medley (4:05)
10. Jesabel (3:14)
11. My Little One (2:43)
12. I'm Living So Alone (3:11)
13. Covek sa gitarom (2:50)
14. Konstantna šema (5:21)
15. Dok te ljubi on (3:58)
16. Kažu mi da još si uvek sama (3:54)
17. Oprosti (3:20)
18. Koliko te volim (3:49)
19. Živim tako sam (3:02)
20. Ona, ona, ona (2:28)

Jazz orchestra RTB - Muzika moje mladosti

Jedna od značajnijih kolekcija Yu- džeza iz 1984. Ovde je pretstavljeno CD izdanje iz otprilike 2000 ili tu negde sa 20 pesama. Originalno LP izdanje sadrži 11 numera. Na omotu je greškom izostavljena kompozicija #3 "Španske oči" ali se nalazi na samoj nalepnici na LP. Ovde sam priložio artwork sa LP.

Na poleđini LP se nalazi veoma lepa uvodna reč Dr. Dragutina Gostuškog.

Fotografija nije baš najbolja, sken nije originalan već sam ga pokupio negde na netu, ali uz malo napora može se pročitati.

01. Ramona (2:37)
02. Charlstone (2:04)
03. Lambet walk (1:56)
04. La Cumparsita (3:12)
05. Kukavica (2:37)
06. Rumba Negra (2:13)
07. Medley (3:44)
08. Spanish eyes (3:24)
09. Medley Nat King Cole (4:36)
10. Brasil (2:36)
11. Girl from Ipanema (4:02)
12. Over the rainbow (3:16)
13. Blue Moon (3:14)
14. Cocktail for two (2:22)
15. Sentimental journey (3:09)
16. Stardust (2:29)
17. September in the rain (2:37)
18. Undecided (1:59)
19. My lean baby (3:00)
20. Rock Medley (2:56)

Friday, October 19, 2012

Josipa Lisac ~ Dnevnik jedne ljubavi (1973)

Dnevnik jedne ljubavi ("Diary of a Love") is the debut album by Croatian singer Josipa Lisac, released by Jugoton in 1973. Dnevnik jedne ljubavi is one of the best concept albums of Croatian pop rock and is considered a classic. The album was polled in 1998 as the 9th on the list of 100 greatest Yugoslav rock and pop albums in the book YU 100: najbolji albumi jugoslovenske rok i pop muzike (YU 100: The Best albums of Yugoslav pop and rock music).

01 O jednoj mladosti (About a youth)
02 Srela sam se s njim (I met with him)
03 Sreća (Happiness)
04 Po prvi put (For the first time)
05 Plačem (I'm crying)
06 Jedna kratka vijest (One short message)
07 Ležaj od suza (Bed of tears)
08 Ne prepoznajem ga (I don't recognize him)
09 Vjerujem ti sve (I believe you everything)
10 Kao stranac (Like a stranger)

All songs written by Karlo Metikoš and Ivica Krajač. 

Dorian Gray ~ Sjaj u tami (1984)

The band was formed in 1982 in Zagreb, then SR Croatia, SFR Yugoslavia consisting of the frontman Massimo Savić (vocals, guitar), Vedran Čupić (guitar), Emil Krnjić (bass guitar), Toni Ostojić (keyboards), and Branko Terzić (drums), who suggested the name Dorian Gray after the Oscar Wilde's fictional character Dorian Gray. Since the group was into art rock, influenced by artists such as David Sylvian's Japan, Bryan Ferry's Roxy Music and some David Bowie's works, the other members found the suggested name appropriate and gladly accepted it. Their early rehearsals and gigs were taking place in the art gallery of the Zagreb's Student Centre. After performing in Croatia and the then-SR Slovenia the group soon got critically acclaimed across the whole former Yugoslav federation and took part in the notable music festival YURM (Yugoslav Rock Moment).
In the late-1983 Dorian Gray recorded its debut album Sjaj u tami ("Glow in the Darkness") produced by Saša Habić, who played the electric piano in the recording sessions, which also featured guest appearances by the bassist Jadran Zdunjić and the saxophone player Miroslav Sedak Benčić. The album, which was a major success was also noted for its artistic record sleeve which was designed by Sanja Baharah and Mario Krištofić. Notable hit single was "Sjaj u tami", a cover version of the famous song "The Sun Ain't Gonna Shine (Anymore)". After the release of the album, the line up was changed since Terzić, Čupić and Krnjić decided to leave the group. New members became: Zdunjić, the drummer Dragan Simonovski and the guitarist Zoran Cvetković Zok, a former member of the eminent Croatian and Yugoslav Rock acts Prljavo kazalište and Parni valjak. The second album Za tvoje oči ("For Your Eyes Only") which was recorded in Sweden and produced by Sjunne Ferger, was released in 1985. After Dorian Gray disbanded in 1986, Massimo Savić started a successful solo career as a pop music singer.

1. Dugo si sam (3:15)
2. Zoveš me (3:47)
3. Kuća (3:47)
4. Monstrum pored sna (3:39)
5. Legenda (2:51)
6. Sjaj u tami (5:40)
7. Gusar (2:20)
8. Umorni lovac (5:05)
9. Jahač (4:18)

Boris Bizetić ~ Marina (2000)


01. Marina (2:53)
02. Baš si zgodna (2:38)
03. Pusti da se sećam (3:42)
04. Oglašavam (3:19)
05. Tvoja cigareta (2:38)
06. Vreme je učinilo svoje (3:26)
07. Želim da budem bilo s kim (3:13)
08. Ne tuguj srce (3:08)
09. Važno je samo da ti je jasno (4:05)
10. Sada tek vidim (3:11)
11. Mi se viđamo svakog dana (3:17)
12. Bio sam gnjurac (3:26)
13. Ona je luda (3:06)
14. Stolica koja se ljulja (2:02)
15. Ima neki đavo u njoj (3:01)
16. Mene ne čeka niko (2:59)
17. Mlad u duši (3:19)
18. Tamara (3:44)
Sentimentalni dodatak
19. Tamna požuda (Sentimentalni Dodatak) (2:45)
20. Ostao sam bez teksta (Sentimentalni Dodatak) (2:30)
21. Prazne bašte restorana (Sentimentalni Dodatak) (3:39)
22. Kasno leto (Sentimentalni Dodatak) (4:25)
23. Moj mali beli pas i ja (Sentimentalni Dodatak) (2:36)

Sanja Ilić & Balkanika ~ Balkan Koncept (2004)

01. Korana 6:10
02. Paparuga 4:50
03. Dolina Suza / Valley Of  Tears 5:13
04. Bottle Rhythm 4:07
05. Zmija / Snake 5:07
06. Stariga 4:06
07. New Gajde 5:15
08. Teotihuacan 5:42
09. Balkan Vocals 5:45
10. Put Svile / Silk Road 4:46
11. Sunce / Sun 1:56
12. Plava Ptica / Blue Bird 4:48
13. Balkan Vocals Remix /Concept By Chombe/ 5:28

Plavi Ansambl ~ Ritmovi Latinske Amerike

Plavi Ansambl - Ritmovi Latinske Amerike (1961) PGP - RTB. A real rarity since this is the only solo project of this band. They mostly accompanied other singers on various pop music festivals in former Yugoslavia.

Recorded: 1961
Original: 1961, RTB LP-II-504 (10")

Side A:
1. Cuban Mambo (Perez Prado)
2. Cumana (Allen-Hilman-Spina)
3. Uzvišena melodija (Melody Sublime) (A. Jean)
4. Ana (R. Vatro)

Side B:
1. Srećan Mambo (Happy Mambo) (N. Gomez)
2. Brazil (Arry Borrasso)
3. Poinciana (Nat Simon)
4. Mambo u Waldorfu (Mambo at the Waldorf) (Xavier Cugat)

Melody Sublime

Arsen Dedić - Arsenal (1981)

a01. Okus soli (3:38)
a02. Kuća pored mora (3:25)
a03. Kad sam te vidio (4:01)
a04. Djevojka za jedan dan (4:23)
a05. Ne plači (3:22)
b01. Moderato cantabile (4:21)
b02. Sine moj (3:32)
b03. Tvoje nježne godine (2:38)
b04. O, mladosti (3:23)
b05. Vraćam se (4:52)

Arsen Dedić ~ Arsen 2 (1971)

01. Ne plači (3:56)
02. Takvim sjajem može sjati (3:37)
03. Pored mene (4:36)
04. Po glavi stanovnika (2:56)
05. Poslije toliko godina (1:59)
06. Balada o prolaznosti (4:14)
07. O, mladosti (3:18)
08. Podoknica (2:42)
09. Gazela (3:52)
10. Putovanje (3:54)
11. Balada o zmaju koji je gutao krasne dame (2:34)
12. Nemoj poći (3:29)

Arsen Dedić ~ Vraćam se (1975)

01. Znat ćeš (2:20)
02. Vera Pavladoljska (2:45)
03. Prazna obećanja (4:01)
04. Stara cura (2:07)
05. To je moj svijet (2:30)
06. Vraćam se (4:46)
07. Djevojka za jedan dan (4:30)
08. Danas ili sutra (2:33)
09. Milena (2:38)
10. Ljeto sa Irenom (3:55)
11. Moj prijatelj (2:05)
12. Hvala ti (2:46)

Danas ili sutra


Dragoljub Đuričić & The Drums Company ~ Ritam Slobode

01. Forte Mare (7:55)
02. Karatoc (6:39)
03. Lijepa Pjesma (5:25)
04. Jedna Ptica Se U Pjesmi ... (4:09)
05. Belavista (5:15)
06. Na-Ne (Psalm) (3:28)
07. U Krugu Agonije (3:45)
08. Uno, Due, Tre ... (6:46)
09. Novi Ljudi (6:30)
10. Kobilji Do (4:41)
11. 3 Na 2 (3:21)
12. Katarina U Pakistanu (5:36)
13. Ritam Slobode (3:19)

Dragan Stojnić ~ Jedna davna ljubav

01. Miholjsko ljeto (4:16)
02. Jedna davna ljubav (5:00)
03. Soliteri (4:27)
04. La mere (3:54)
05. Jednom kada prođe sve (4:13)
06. Prava ljubav (3:54)
07. Ta pesma (4:21)
08. Ko to zna (4:33)
09. Moj život (3:31)
10. Ako možes (4:30)
11. Pesma tvog imena (3:32)
12. Jedna gitara, hiljadu snova (3:01)
13. Obale sreće, obale tuge (3:57)
14. Iluzija (3:21)
15. Cu-cu rru-cu-cu paloma (2:52)

Jednom kada prođe sve

.Prava ljubav 

Vokalni Kvartet Predraga Ivanovića

Ovde vam pretstavljamo CD sa digitalno obrađenim kompozicijama sa albuma "Pod Sjajem Zvezda" plus 4 kompozicije koje se ne nalaze na originalnom albumu.  CD sam dobio na poklon od jednog prijatelja i koliko sam upoznat ovakva kompilacija nikada nije zvanično izdata.  Znači jedan, uslovno rečenio, raritet. Kvartet Predraga Ivanovića ne treba posebno pretstavljati, ali za one koji kojim slučajem nisu čuli za ovaj vrhunski sastav neke informacije mogu naći ovde

Što se tiče samog albuma, na netu nema previše podataka o istom kao ni dobrih fotografija omota.
Kompozicije na ovom CD-u su savršeno snimljene, dinamički opseg je veoma dobar s obzirom da sve kompozicije datiraju iz 50 i 60-ih godina prošlog veka.  I naravno, nema šuma ni dosadnog pucketanja kojim obiluju stare gramofonske ploče.

01. Pod sjajem zvezda (2:30)
02. Veselo putovanje (2:44)
03. Laura (2:19)
04. Prošli dani (4:04)
05. Go Down Moses (2:37)
06. Lulela je Jana (2:23)
07. Duet (3:37)
08. Jedno popodne (2:07)
09. Čarobna jesen (3:21)
10. Osobenjak (3:17)
11. Nek prođe sve (2:38)
12. Niko ne zna moj bol (2:18)
13. Draga (3:11)
14. Sećaću se aprila (3:51)
15. O' vrati se (3:40)
16. Selo Dža (2:00)

 LP info (for reference only)

Vokalni Kvartet Predraga Ivanovica – Pod Sjajem Zvezda

Label: PGP RTB – LP 5318
Format: Vinyl, LP, Compilation
Country: Yugoslavia
Released: 1978
Genre: Funk / Soul, Jazz, Pop
Style: Gospel, Vocal, Ballad, Easy Listening

A1 Pod Sjajem Zvezda
Music By – P. Ivanovic*
Lyrics By – M. Savic*

A2 Veselo Putovanje (Cook's Tour)
Music By – R. Anthony*
Lyrics By – A. Korac*

A3 Laura
Music By – D. Raskin*
Lyrics By – V. Jakovljevic*

A4 Prošli Dani (Yesterdays)
Music By – J. Kern*
Lyrics By – V. Senic*

A5 Go Down Moses
Written-By – Trad.*

A6 Lulela Je Jana
Written-By – Narodna*

B1 Duet
Music By – N. Hefty*
Lyrics By – V. Sebic

B2 Jedno Popodne
Music By – P. Ivanovic*
Lyrics By – V. Vesnic

B3 Čarobna Jesen (Witchcraft)
Arranged By – Z. Skerl*
Music By – Leigh*, Coleman*
Lyrics By – Ð. Marjanovic*

B4 Osobenjak (Splanky)
Music By – N. Hefty*
Lyrics By – M. Savic*

B5 Nek Prođe Sve
Arranged By – P. Stefanovic*
Music By, Lyrics By – A. Kabiljo*

B6 Niko Ne Zna Moj Bol (Nobody Knows)
Written-By – Trad.*

Dragan Stojnić ~ Adagio

01 Stare slike (4:03)
02 Što te nema (3:18)
03 Još te pamtim (3:06)
04 Doviđenja ljubavi (3:39)
05 Moj svet (4:05)
06 Adagio (3:29)
07 Concierto de aranjuez (4:43)
08 Barbara (4:33)
09 Za mene ne postoji druga (5:04)
10 Šta imam s tim (4:03)
11 Nemoj da kuneš ovu noć (4:47)
12 Rastanak (4:32)
13 Oprosti mi, ako možeš (3:06)
14 Još si tu (4:24)
15 Kaži mi (3:19)

Stare slike
